How To Decoupage Seashell Christmas Ornaments
I love to make holiday coastal craft . If you love seashells here is a holiday craft you will enjoy. Learn how to decoupage seashell Christmas ornaments.
How To Decoupage Seashell Christmas Ornaments:
I live by the coast so I have lots of seashells at my disposal. You can decoupage seashells with many different designs. I love the chinoiserie print, its one of my favorite designs to decoupage. To save money on purchasing napkins and its sometimes hard to find the perfect design. I will show you how you can print on white napkins to make your perfect decoupage material. Regular printing paper is too thick. Trust me I have tried and it just doesn’t go on smoothly like napkins.
Supplies Needed:
- Seashells: I use the scallop shape seashells.
- Napkins: White
- Printer paper
- Printer: Epson C888 color printer prices have gone through the roof, I found another that is great HERE
How To Decoupage The Seashell Ornaments.
How to print the napkins from a printer. Cut the napkins the same sizes as a regular size printing paper. You tape the napkin on the sheet of printer paper. Make sure all the sides are taped up. Place it on the printer and print the Chinoiserie clip art. You can purchase clip art thought Etsy. This may take a few tries, make sure the sides are tape well.
Take the seashell and trace the shell on the white part of the printer paper, the other side is the napkin. Cut out the shape.
Apply glue on the the shell and place the cut out shell shape on glue part of the shell. Carefully pat with your fingers lightly. Apply two coats and dry in between coats.
After the shell dries. Drill a hole on the top part of the shell with a Dremel. Dremel has many size drill bits. I used the smallest. It takes about 10 seconds to drill the hole.
I added a blue ribbon to the shell. Pull the ribbon through the hole to tie the bow.
Take another piece of ribbon and thread it through the hole and create a loop. Tie at the top.
Now you can hang your ornament on your tree.
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So Cute and easy. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks so much friend
That’s sooooooooo unique Maria and simply gorgeous too. Pinned
What a sweet thing to say! Happy Holidays
This is SO beautiful Maria! I have to try this. Happy holidays!
Thanks, its really easy as long as yo have a Dremel
I love these ornaments Maria. They are so pretty. I have some extra oyster shells from a project and might give this a try. Merry Christmas
Hope you do, just need the Dremel tool!Have a great holiday season.