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DIY Painted Paper Bags: For Wedding Favors

My DIY painted paper bags is an easy tutorial to make. All you need is watercolor, artist brush and micron pen.

My daughter is getting married and she asked me to make some projects. One of them were wedding welcome bags. I came up with these budget friendly idea of painted paper bags with pretty flowers on the side.

A welcome bag for wedding is something you give to the guests that would have a variety of items them. It can range from the wedding favor, magazine, bottled water, candy and a map of the area.

I know 50 painted paper bags seems time consuming, but with the method I show you it can be a very easy and enjoyable.

Here is another post that that can teach you how to make gift boxes with chinoiserie papers.

What Is The Best Paint To Use On Paper Bags

You can use any type of paint to make these flowers but the easiest paint to use to create a beautiful painted paper bags would be watercolor. The reason why is the consistency for the paint must be watery. That means when painting on the paper bags it will be very light and not thick. The paper bags will dry faster and you can make lots more than using acrylic or oils which will take longer to dry. I have dried using a watery acrylic paint and it didn’t look as nice as the watercolors. In fact it dried with a speckled look and I wanted a flawless appearance on the flower petals.

Why You Will Love Making These Painted Paper Bags

  • It is easy to paint
  • They make a great gift bags for any occasion.
  • Its a work of art.
  • You can make any color flowers to go with any theme.
  • Most of all your guests will love them, since they are made with love.

Supplies To Make The Painted PAper Bag

  • Watercolor: I used red and white to make pink color. So you will need to make sure white color is included in set.
  • Paper bags: You can use any color paper bags. I used brown bags.
  • Micron pen:   You will need this to highlight the flower.
  • Ribbon. You can use any color you wish depending on the color of flowers..
watercolor, paper bag supplies

How To Paint PAper Bags

  1. Mix the color. To mix the right consistency you will add more water to the paint. Start by making circular strokes until you make a round rose shape. It does not have to be perfect. These painted paper bags should fun to make not a chore.

Here is another shape of petals that you place below the three rose shapes. You make 6 small round shapes three on top and three below them. The shapes on the painted paper bags should be around 1 inch for the small flower shapes and about 3 to 4 inch for the rose flowers.

watercolor painting on  paper bags

2. Once you have all your flowers painted on the paper bag, You will start creating the flower petals using the micron pen. ( With micron pen make a bunch of periods in the middle of the flower which is called the stamen.)

3. After you create the periods, or dots. Start forming the first small petals. You can start with three or four petals. I start with three and some were four it’s up to you. It does not matter. It’s important that the painted paper bags are not wrinkled after you have painted and drawn with the micron pen, so make sure you place the bag in a safe place.

4. Then make 4 or 5 petals around the first petals. You will be doing this until all the petals on the flowers is completed

drawing on paper bags

5. After you make all the petal for the rose you will continue for the small petals under the rose. You will start on the bottom of the circle and create half circle and connect it to a large circle above. Sort of a Pryenee style flower. Its fun to create your own type of flowers. Just make it up as you go along.

6. Start creating the stems on the painted paper bags. For the larger flowers great one long stem that curves at the ends. Add leaves on them anywhere you like. For the Pryenee style flowers just follow the diagram above and create a long stem on each. Add some squiggly looking ones on each one.

drawing on paper bags

I hope you love this painted paper bag tutorial as much as I did making them. You can add a pretty ribbon and even name tags. I wrote the names of my daughter and her fiancé on one of them with the micron pen. I think using a name tag would be prettier. That sounds like a another great tutorial.

painted paper bags on counter

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  1. What a fantastic idea. They look so dainty and elegant. I bet the guests loved them.

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